Catalytic nanomedicine for chronic wounds in diabetic patients: physiology, pathophysiology, and a success story

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Tessy López-Goerne
Francisco Javier Padilla-Godínez
Alba Arévalo


Chronic wounds, especially in diabetes patients, severely impact quality of life. Catalytic Nanomedicine offers hope by designing bionanocatalysts, nanostructures that selectively damage nucleic acids. These nanostructures excel in disinfection, harming microorganisms while preserving healthy tissue. They've been used for chronic wound healing, and this study explores their mechanisms and potential in tissue regeneration. The article underscores their significance in broad-spectrum disinfection, even against biofilms. It provides context by comparing glucose regulation in both healthy and diabetic states, with a focus on diabetic foot pathology. Lastly, it highlights a successful case of a diabetic chronic wound treated with Catalytic Nanomedicine to demonstrate its efficacy in promoting wound healing.


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Como Citar
López-Goerne, T., Padilla-Godínez, F. J., & Arévalo, A. (2024). Catalytic nanomedicine for chronic wounds in diabetic patients: physiology, pathophysiology, and a success story. Mundo Nano. Revista Interdisciplinaria En Nanociencias Y Nanotecnología, 17(33), 1e-24e.
Artigos de investigação


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