Diálogo para el avance científico y tecnológico a la nanoescala

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Gian Carlo Delgado
Elena León Magaña


Current way in which disciplines acquire prestige depends on their utility in real world (their practical application). This has produced, among other issues, hierarchic epistemic systems that generate, at least, a relative exclusion of world visions. Therefore, such marginalization tends to be an aspect that characterizes current way of innovating and commercializing goods and services (or the mechanism in which those technological advances are socialized). Even if there has been important contributions on the study and analysis of the logic, stimulus, uncertainty and societal, ethical and environmental implications of scientific and technological development, the exclusion of certain visions and values is a feature still anchored within the decision making process, at the political and other levels. Considering the above, it is proposed the need of promoting and reinventing (social) dialogue as key instrument for confronting uncertainty and the increasing technoscientific complexity, but also for opening more robust interdisciplinary paths for strengthening the exercise of evaluating technoscience’s purposes. As science and technology advances and becomes more complex —as it happens in the case of converging technologies at the nanoscale—, all within a context in which social basic needs are still unsolved for most of world population, we conclude that it is necessary to bet on a social and responsible management of science and technology based on a wide and genuine social dialogue and consensus.


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How to Cite
Delgado, G. C., & León Magaña, E. (2014). Diálogo para el avance científico y tecnológico a la nanoescala. Mundo Nano. Interdisciplinary Journal on Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/ceiich.24485691e.2012.1.45168
Research articles
Author Biographies

Gian Carlo Delgado

Investigador titular de tiempo completo, definitivo, del Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades de la UNAM. Integrante del Sistema Nacional de Investigadores del Conacyt y responsable del proyecto Conacyt número 118244.

Elena León Magaña

Licenciada en comunicación y periodismo por la FES-Aragón, UNAM y maestrante del posgrado de filosofía de la ciencia de la FFyL de esa misma casa de estudios. Integrante del proyecto Conacyt número 118244.