Situación de la divulgación y la formación en nanociencia y nanotecnología en Iberoamerica

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Joaquín Tutor Sánchez
Pedro Serena


Nanotechnology is not a temporary fashion, but the paradigm that will allow to reach high development levels to those countries which be able to incorporate nanotechnology into their productive and educational systems. However, what is being done in the context of “nanoeducation” and “nanodissemination” in Ibero-American countries? How do our societies face this paradigm shift? Do we have clear strategies in each country? What can we learn from each other? In the pages below it is presented a snapshot of what has been done and what is being done in dissemination and training in nanotechnology in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Portugal and Venezuela, and some strategies for promoting these important issues are presented. These national reports respond to the objectives and tasks of the Thematic Network “José Roberto Leite” of Dissemination and Training in Nanotechnology, NANODYF belonging to Area 6 of Science and Society at the Ibero American Science and Technology for Development, CYTED and they are the result of the first actions becoming from the first Coordination Meeting of the Network NANODYF, held in Madrid, from march 30 to april 1, 2011.


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How to Cite
Tutor Sánchez, J., & Serena, P. (2014). Situación de la divulgación y la formación en nanociencia y nanotecnología en Iberoamerica. Mundo Nano. Interdisciplinary Journal on Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, 4(2).
Red temática “José Roberto Leite” de divulgación y formación en nanotecnología/NANODYF-CYTED