Submission guidelines

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Requirements for manuscript submission

The articles submitted for possible publication in Mundo Nano. Revista Interdisciplinaria en Nanociencia y Nanotecnología must send the following documents, complete and in their final version, over the Open Journal Systems interface. Submissions sent otherwise will not be accepted:

1. Statement of originality  and non-simultaneous submission, this letter must be filled with the data of the author or authors; in case of two authors or more, the data of each and every one of them must be provided. The responsible author and corresponding author must be identified.

2. Form of transfer of patrimonial rights must be filled with the data of the author or authors and signed by all of them. In case of articles with two or more authors, the data of each and every one of them must be provided, and the author signing as responsible as well as the corresponding author shall be identified.

3. Attach the full content of the postulated article and any additional files in their final version. No changes will be accepted once the process begins. 

Requirements for manuscript delivery

1. Deliver textual content in electronic format files for word processor, with no password (PDF is not suitable for the editorial process).

2. Deliver photographs and images in electronic files in TIFF or JPG formats (or compatible) with at least a 300-dpi resolution. It is indispensable to attach graphs, tables or charts in separate spreadsheets. Images of graphs, tables or charts are not suitable for the editorial process.

3. Hold the reproduction rights for the graphic material, images, photographs, artistic works, et cetera, by the author (authors), or else from third parties.

4. Once these requirements are met, the text will be submitted to Editorial Review.

Manuscript format 

1. Presentation which must include the information below in the following order: 

  • Article title, no longer than 15 words, both in Spanish and English, as descriptive, clear and concise as possible. 
  • It is essential that each and every author provides their ORCID ID number. For further information visit
  • The ascription institutions and countries of each and every author must be stated, avoiding the use of initial and acronyms. The translation of the names of the institutions is to be avoided.
  • This page shall include the name of the author signing as responsible of the text as well as the corresponding author. In case it is the same, this must be explicitly stated.
  • Only the email address of the corresponding author shall be indicated. 

2. Structured abstract: in Spanish and in English, it must comprise the following sections in 200 word at most: 

  • Objective of the article
  • Design and Methodology
  • Main results and conclusions. 

3. Key words in Spanish and English that describe thematically and analytically the objective of the article.

4. Extension and format: research and reviews articles may have an extension between 8,000 and 10,000 words. They must be written in word processor, letter size with margins of 2.54 cm., Times New Roman, 12 points, double spacing, no space between paragraphs. Pages must be numbered from first to last at the lower right margin. The total extension includes textual approach, bibliography, tables, graphs, figures, images and all the additional material.

5. Article structure: the articles must include an introduction that clearly states the background of the work, the method or analysis strategy resorted to, discussion, results, conclusions and bibliography. If deemed fit by the authors, sections and subsections may be presented, duly hierarchized and differenced only by means of typography (without using Arabic or Roman numerals). 

6. Use of initials and acronyms: to use acronyms and initials in the text, the first time they are mentioned, it is recommended to write the corresponding full name and then the initials in parentheses. Example: Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), and afterward only Pemex. 

7. Supplementary material: it refers information or figures useful for those interested in further details, not essential to understand the main results of the article nevertheless. Additional material must be clear, synthetic and consistent with the article. This will be published, separately, as a digital file with its corresponding DOI.

8. Notes: notes must be included as footnotes, numbered and as few as possible. Footnotes will be for extensions or clarifications to the text, they will not be used for indicating bibliography with Latin expressions.

9. Tables and figures: will be included in separate files in TIFF or JPG format, with accurate indications regarding their place in the text. For instance: “Table 1 here”. The numbering of tables will be consecutive, in ascending order and with Arabic numerals. In like manner, the title will be placed at the top and the full source at the bottom. The authors will have the responsibility to verify that the source of all the tables and figures appears in the final bibliography.

10. Graphic elements: all the graphic elements, diagrams, maps, etc. will be called tables and figures and will be consecutively numbered in Arabic numerals. The title will be placed at the top and the full source at the bottom of each figure. The authors will have the responsibility to verify that the source of all the figures appears in the final bibliography. In addition to include them in the article, every graphic element shall be delivered as an independent file in TIFF or JPG formats (or compatible), with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. If graphs are produced in Microsoft Excel, the source file must be attached.

11. Additional information: the articles must not include epigraphs or dedications. 

12. Contribution of authorship: at the end of the article, before the list of references, for each author, their contribution to the article proposed for publication must be included.

The list of authors must include the people who have contributed intellectually to the development of the work. Contributions that are limited to the search or processing of data, the preparation of graphs or figures, are not sufficient to appear as an author. In that case, the authors may indicate said participations and, where appropriate, make the corresponding thanks.

At the time of sending the article, the contributions of each author must be indicated, considering the following items: 

• Conception and design of the article.

• Methodological development.

• Data mining, analysis and interpretation.

• Software modeling (if applicable).

• Writing the original draft.

• Review and final editing of the text.

• Preparation of supplementary materials (if applicable). 

Mundo Nano. Interdisciplinary Journal in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology declines any responsibility for possible conflicts arising from the authorship of the works it publishes. By sending the article, the authors implicitly accept that they have read this text in its entirety and agree with its content.

In the event of a request to change the authorship of a manuscript received or an article already published, Mundo Nano. Interdisciplinary Journal in Nanosciences and Nanotechnology will follow the decision tree recommended by COPE: ( pdf).

13. References and bibliographic references: each and every bibliographic reference cited in the text must be included at the end of the article (including notes, sources of tables and figures). The authors must carefully verify there are no omissions nor inconsistencies between the cited works and bibliography. Only the works cited in the text and footnotes of the article will be included. The bibliography must be supplied following the Chicago style, taking the examples below as a guideline:

  • Articles in journals (neither the titles of the journals nor of the articles will be abbreviated): 
    Takeuchi, N. (1998). Cálculos de primeros principios: un método alternativo para el estudio de materiales. Ciencia y Desarrollo, 26(142): 18. 
  • Books: 
    Delgado, G. C. (2008). Guerra por lo invisible: negocio, implicaciones y riesgos de la nanotecnología. Mexico: CEIICH, UNAM. 
  • Internet: (2007). The Nobel Prize in Physics 1986.

These guidelines, which update those established on February 2018, were approved by the Scientific Committee and the Editorial Committee of Mundo Nano. Revista Interdisciplinaria en Nanociencias y Nanotecnología, on April 18, 2022, and will be noticed in the contents that are published from the second semester of 2022.

Last update: December 15, 2023