Obtention and analysis of chemical kinetic expressions I. Obtaining kinetic data and criteria to avoid mass and energy transfer problems with heterogeneous catalysts

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Aline Villarreal
Rogelio Cuevas-García


This article discusses the importance of kinetic analyses. The mathematical function of the chemical reaction rate expression (-RA) is introduced, including the expression used in the presence of a catalyst and the functionality of (-RA) with temperature and concentration. Several rate expressions such as power law expressions, theoretical expressions, and LHHW equations are described. It also revises typical reactors used in the laboratory and describes the criteria that can be used to disdain the mass and energy transfer problems commonly presented in catalytic assessments.


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How to Cite
Villarreal, A., & Cuevas-García, R. (2020). Obtention and analysis of chemical kinetic expressions: I. Obtaining kinetic data and criteria to avoid mass and energy transfer problems with heterogeneous catalysts. Mundo Nano. Interdisciplinary Journal on Nanosciences and Nanotechnology, 14(26), 1e-23e. https://doi.org/10.22201/ceiich.24485691e.2021.26.69638
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