El rol de la función de transferencia de contraste en la formación de imágenes de resolución atómica de nanopartículas
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High resolution transmission electron microscopy results can be quantitatively interpreted if an optimum adjustment is performed in the optical-electronic of the instrument during the atomic resolution images acquisition. This work qualitatively describe the principles of imaging formation by using the theory of electron diffraction and electronic-optics. At the end the process it is summarized to the contrast transfer function (CTF) and defocus. The controlled and precise manipulation of the defocus allows the CTF to be controlled to achieve stronger phase contrast of the d-spacings of the crystalline lattice of the particle under study. The contrast that can be achieved is bright or dark at values more negative of the Scherzer defocus. Dark contrasts of WOx clusters on crystalline lattice of bright contrast corresponding to the m-ZrO2 nanoparticle was evidenced through of a controlled and precise manipulation of the defocus.
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