Biosynthesis and characterization of nanostructures by electron microscopy
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The methods to obtain nanostructures have been a fundamental area of study since the beginning of the nanotechnology. The biosynthesis of nanostructures is inspired by the behavior that some microorganisms and plants have for subsisting in environments with chemical stress. This paper presents novel results achieved by our research group to generate Au and Ag nanostructures with tunable morphology, assisted by Camellia sinensis and Anemopsis californica extracts as reducing agents of Au+3 and Ag+1 ions; as well as magnetite nanoparticles (Fe2O3) biosynthesis with size homogeneity and better phase control than other biogenic methods reported in the literature. Additionally, the effective use of biotemplates to design nanostructured materials with green synthesis methods is demonstrated. Finally, the evidence of the nanomaterials obtained by biosynthesis was shown via characterization with Transmission Electron Microscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Energy Dispersion Spectroscopy.
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